Google rankings


If you’ve noticed that your website’s Google rankings have dropped, don’t worry; you’re not alone.Webleonz Technologies is ready to help. Search engine optimization (SEO) can be a challenging game, with rankings often fluctuating due to various factors. However, a drop in rankings doesn’t mean your website is doomed. In this guide, we’ll show you how to recover your Google rankings and get back on track.

1.Perform an extensive SEO audit:

An exhaustive SEO assessment of your website should be carried out as the first stage in the recovery procedure. Determine any problems that might be resulting in the decline in ranks. A few factors to consider are:

  • On-page SEO: Verify the quality of the content, meta titles, descriptions, and keyword optimisation.
  • Technical SEO: Check for crawl faults, broken links, and slow-loading websites.
  • Backlinks: Look for low-quality or harmful links in your backlink profile.

2.Research and Optimisation of Keywords:

After you’ve determined what the problems are, it’s time to review your keyword plan. Find relevant and less competitive terms by conducting new keyword research. Make sure your on-page SEO is spot on and update your content to naturally incorporate these keywords.

3.Good content is essential:

Content that is useful, entertaining, and of high quality is essential to SEO. Your rankings will suffer if your content is subpar. Spend time refining already-existing material and producing fresh, insightful articles that address the concerns and demands of your audience.

4.Enhance the User Experience (UX):

Google considers user experience to be very important. Ensure that your website loads quickly and is friendly to mobile devices. Make an investment in easily accessible material, a user-friendly navigation system, and obvious calls to action.

5.Evaluate Your Backlink Building Approach:

For SEO to be successful, high-quality backlinks from reliable sources are essential. Eliminate any spammy or harmful backlinks, and use outreach, guest posting, or partnerships with influencers in your niche to actively create new, high-quality connections.

6.Track your development:

Monitor the performance of your website on a regular basis with Google Analytics and Search Console. Take note of indicators related to user engagement, traffic, and rankings. You can use this information to track your progress towards recovery and make well-informed decisions.

7.Keep up with algorithm updates:

The algorithms used by Google are always changing. Keep abreast of algorithm modifications and modify your SEO approach as necessary. Participate in SEO communities, keep up with reliable SEO news sources, and be ready to modify your strategies.


Although recovering from a dip in SEO might be difficult, you can get back on track and restore your Google ranks if you have the correct tactics and a dedication to progress. Keep in mind that SEO is a continuous process, and sustained success requires regular effort. You may restore your website’s ranking in search results by carrying out audits, improving content, and keeping an eye on the user experience.

Don’t let brief setbacks depress you. Rather, take advantage of them as chances to learn and increase the authority of your website within your area. You can make a powerful comeback and get your site ranked where it should be with commitment and astute SEO techniques.

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